
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

PAN + PH Ke Kedutaan Turki ok, Apahal nak perlekehkan PAS pula?

Pakatan Harapan mengunjungi Duta Besar Turki bagi menyatakan solidariti kepada kerajaan dan rakyat Turki serta menolak sebarang cubaan rampasan kuasa tanpa melalui saluran demokrasi. Pertemuan tersebut diketuai Timbalan Presiden PAN Salahuddin Ayub.

Saya ucap tahniahlah atas solidariti kepada Turki. Hanya saya tak nampak PH untuk memberikan solidariti kepada Etnik Rohingya di Myanmar.

Yang peliknya kenapa nak diperlekehkan PAS pula?

Ada ahli PAN terutama cybertropper mereka menyerang PAS kononnya tak pergi kekedutaan Turki dan buat kenyataan hanya setelah didesak.

Semalam saya dah 'basuh' ketua pemuda PAN Kelantan atas kenyataan bodoh dia. (Anda boleh baca di sini). Ingat hari ini mereka dah insaflah....

Rupa ada lagi spesis lain pula buat posting di facebook saya dengan membuat provokasi sikap PAS terhadap Turki dan
Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Kadang-kala rasa malas nak layan posting bodoh dan kebudakan. Tapi mengingatkan bahawa mereka (PAN) sekarang serang PAS dengan PERSEPSI buruk serta fitnah, jika tak dijawab ada yang termakan fitnah dan hujah-hujah dangkal mereka, saya gagahi memberikan maklumat terkini.

Saya balas posting mereka dengan maklumat terkini. Saya katakan kepada mereka bahawa PAS bukan sahaja membuat kenyataan, Malah PAS telah berhubung secara rasmi dengan pihak kerajaan Turki melalui The Union of Muslim Communities di Istanbul, Turki. Sebelum ini saya ada menyatakan bahawa Presiden PAS Sakit di Turki tahun 2014. Sebelum itu 23 Mai 2013 Presiden PAS pernah membentang dalam seminar gerakan Islam di Turki.

PAS perlu dapatkan gambaran yang lebih jelas mengenai cubaan rampasan kuasa di Turki daripada maklumat dalam Turki sendiri.

Perlu diingatkan PAS tak perlu menjadi macam parti AK untuk merealisasikan pendekatan dakwah di Malaysia. PAS ada cara sendiri yang diolah daripada pemikiran keluruhan gerakan Islam sendiri.

Jadi tak payah nak banding PAS dengan Erdagon. Atau melaunkan parti PAN sebagai Erdagon yang mengutamakan kebajikan.

Saya katakan kepada mereka yang mendakwa bahawa parti PAN adalah Erdagon di Malaysia... Sangat jauh sekali...


  1. PAN nak cari isu. Meraba2 cari isu yg mantap itu la pasal jadi bodoh.

    Puncanya , bani melayu dah 95% benci akan DAP yg anti Islam. Jika bani melayu membenci DAP, maka PAN akan menjadi irrelevan

    Polis ambil keterangan ‘penghina Islam Nga Kor Ming’

    KUALA LUMPUR, Isnin – Polis mengambil keterangan pemimpin parti rasis dan cauvinis DAP Perak, Nga Kor Ming di Bukit Aman bagi membantu siasatan mengikut Akta Hasutan 1948.

    Nga disoal siasat selama sejam selepas tiba di Bukit Aman sekitar jam 2 petang tadi berhubung dakwaan menghina sambutan Aidilfitri dalam akaun Facebook miliknya.

    “Polis berkata saya disiasat mengikut Akta Hasutan dan Seksyen 298 Kanun Keseksaan.

    “Mereka bertindak secara profesional dan saya menjawab semua pertanyaan mereka secara profesional,” katanya kepada pemberita ketika meninggalkan Bukit Aman.

    Nga ditemani peguamnya, Gobind Singh Deo semasa soal siasat.

    Bagaimanapun, Nga enggan mengulas lanjut mengenai siasatan yang sedang dijalankan selain berkata dia tidak memuat naik mesej itu.

    Nga didakwa menyamakan sedekah duit raya sebagai rasuah dan ‘dedak’ selain mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya berlatar belakangkan bendera Amerika Syarikat dengan tangan berdoa berimejkan rumah api yang merupakan simbol Kristian.

    Ia kemudian mendapat reaksi negatif daripada ramai pihak.

  2. Islamaphobia di Malaysia dicetuskan oleh DAP dan PAN

    The rise of Islamophobia in Malaysia: Rehan Ahmad
    islamophobiaRise of Islamophobia

    In recent months we have observed the rise in Islamophobic activities not only in the West but also here at home in Malaysia.

    We have our own versions of Donald Trump, and they span vastly. From the government supporters to the opposition party stalwarts, they both carry the same tone against Islam. From labelling terrorist activities as Islamic teachings, (with great tendencies to use these as reasons for them) to (prelude) interference in the matters of Muslims.

    Some have gone as far as to accuse Prophet Muhammad SAW of initiating bloodshed in Ramadan as a form of worship. And another seemingly unrealted move the Federation of Hokkian Associations initiated a campaign to obtain 1 million signatures against the private member’s bill tabled by Dato’ Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

    Joseph Kurup being a one man show for his party (his party only has one seat in the Parliament) warned that Sabah and Sarawak will go separate ways from Malaysia if the bill is passed. The audacity to make such threats in itself is remarkable for a non-performing party. That said, non-Muslims parties such as DAP, Gerakan, MCA,MIC, PBRS etc. seem to have a unified voice in going against anything Islamic.

    Even if an issue is not related to the non-Muslim minority, opposition is a must. Opposition is staged merely because the bill or the issue at hand is deemed as “Islamic” though not necessarily. Muslim scholars, politicians, NGOs, individuals etc. are quick to condemn any action by so called Muslims who try their best to portray the whole Muslim community as extreme, squeezing those with lesser emotional strength to echo similar worries.

    However when we look at the world, the genocide in Myanmar, Kashmir, Bosnia we do not get the same reaction from people of other races and/or religions. Why is it that Islam is entirely at fault when a person with an Arabic name terrorises the masses? Why were Anders Breivik’s actions not associated with any religion? How about Timothy McVeigh? Why wasn’t his ideology the centre of attention?

    1. On what basis is Islam linked to everything done by these so called “Muslims”. Omar Mateen involved in the Orlando shootings was a regular at the gay club he committed the massacre. How is the act of being an active gay something associated with Islam? If Muslims are expected to apologise for everything done by people who associate themselves with Islam, then the rest of the community should also apologise for the atrocities committed by members of their faith/race.

      It is not rational to relate everything done by someone who claims to be a Muslim to Islam. It would be a kin to blaming all the Buddhists for the actions of the monks in Myanmar, blaming Christianity because of Donald Trump, blaming Judaism for Zionism and the list goes on and on.

      What’s worst is that the people who propagate Islamophobia accuse others of xenophobia. They propagate fear against Islam and at the same time when there is a reaction from the other side, it is labeled as being racist.

      Either the Muslims wake up and educate the rest of the world on Islam or the rest of the world will force Muslims to abandon Islam. As the Prophet mentioned in a hadith,

      The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death. (Narrated by Abu Dawud)

      We should pray hard to Allah so that He will distance us from the the disease of the heart called wahn (enervation). We can only delay this Prophecy but can not stop it from becoming a reality. We should all take some time to think, if we have been instilled with wahn.

      Allah knows best.

      Rehan Ahmad Bin Jamaluddin Ahmad
      President, Intellectual Wisdom Society

  3. Mereka memaki hamun Ulamak dari PAS
    Mereka memaki hamun para Mufti
    Kekasih mereka DAP menghina Mufti Pahang mengenai Khutbah AdilAdha
    Kekasih mereka DAP melalui wakil mereka Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham pada tahun (2014) mahu hak murtad bagi orang Islam
    Bila orang Islam saling berkasih sayang, ada pula yg berkasih dengan katua musyriqin Penang marie

    Dengan apa diatas, PAN redha kesemuanya. PAN redha kepada Kemusyrikan DAP bagai Abudllah bin Ubay redha kepada Yahudi Bani Qainuqa

    Ingat PAN
    Ingat DAP
    Ingat DAP Ingat Kaum Musyriq yg bencikan keimanan
    Ingat DAP Ingat ABu Lahab dan Abu Jahal
    Ingat kelakuan DAP, Ingat bagaimana Musyriqin menyiksa Saidina Bilal

  4. Sebab Turun Ayat
    Ayat ini turun disebabkan oleh suatu masalah di mana sekumpulan para sahabat nabi menjalinkan hubungan persahabatan dengan orang-orang Yahudi. Persahabatan mereka sangat akrab sekali. Beberapa orang sahabat yang lain cuba menasihati agar berwasapada terhadap Yahudi berkenaan. Kerana dikhuatiri mereka akan disesatkan oleh Yahudi berkenaan. Namun nasihat ini tidak dihiraukan. Malah mereka masih tetap akrab. Lalu turunlah ayat:

    Ertinya: Janganlah orang-orang mukmin mengambil orang kafir menjadi wali...(Ali Imran:28)
